Karate settles my bodybuilding mixed emotions

I’ve written a little about karate but I haven’t expressed my feelings about it the way I have wanted. To be honest, let me backtrack, and start with bodybuilding.  I love bodybuilding. I have for a very long time, but posing in a bikini is not athletic.

Am I really an athlete?

OCB Charm City Classic

That doesn’t mean competitors aren’t athletes in other areas. There are many who have sports backgrounds, but I just don’t see standing on stage in a bikini athletic. I view figure as a muscularized beauty pageant. It’s not necessarily bad because I don’t buy into all the craziness. By the way, I am not writing about the fitness athletes. Those girls take athleticism to extreme levels, and anyone who thinks Adela, Tanji, Trish, or Myriam aren’t athletes are mentally disturbed.

In general, I struggle with the subject often, and that’s why I debate on competing every season. Then I realize that time is finite. Life is full of surprises and things can change within seconds so I have to take advantage of the moment because I can compete. I also struggle because I was always an athlete. I started in ballet, moved to gymnastics, bowling, soccer, tennis and softball. I was the girl that would try out for a sport just to see if I could do it; without the care of winning.

Grand Master Jeff Smith

Karate settles my mixed emotions

With these mixed emotions I began karate in February with my kids. It was originally for them, but now I love it just as much; perhaps more. Over the years I entertained the idea of practicing martial arts, but felt too old. I felt like I was already beginning too late in life and that was in my 20’s. What I failed to see was anything can be started at any stage of life. As clichéd as it is; it’s never too late to start.

The first class in February was nerve racking. We were the new kids in class among several new kids, but I found an area that I can excel in unlike bodybuilding.

Under the teachings of Grand Master Jeff Smith and his instructors

My instructor Grand Master Jeff Smith is a ninth degree black belt, and under his tuteledge I am gaining more than I could ever attain in bodybuilding. I cannot begin to explain how thankful I am to be a part of Mile High Karate,  or to be a student of one of the best martial artists in the world. Yes, in the world!

Ali-Frazier Thrilla in Manila card with the famous DC Bomber.

To explain it best, I “borrowed” this from Grand Master Joe Corley, another great,  who wrote “One of my favorite pix and experiences as Jeff W. Smith defeated Kariem Allah as the co-main event of the Ali-Frazier Thrilla in Manila card which came live from the Capitol Center in DC as fans all over the world picked their favorite. Jeff was accurate and deadly, as usual.”

Although I’d prefer not to get smashed in the face by Mr. Smith; his skill is humbling. Under his teachings and those of his instructors Miss Morrow, Mr. Smith, Mr. J., and Ms. Saffar I hope to grow and develop into a great student.

I don’t plan to quit bodybuilding. I love it too much, but unlike bodybuilding, my growth in karate is based on my hard work and knowledge.  It’s me, the pads and my determination.

4 thoughts on “Karate settles my bodybuilding mixed emotions

  1. I think its awesome that you’re trying something new Lisa. I’m a firm believer that its never too late to try something new! Great article and I LOVE the new blog setup. Looks fantastic!

  2. While I understand your point that the act of getting on stage is not athletic and yes, it does feel like a beauty pageant, I do feel like bodybuilders are athletes. It takes an athlete to be able to train and eat the proper way for a competition. It does take an incredible amount of endurance and training to withstand prejudging without losing form. As a side bar, I love all the tips you post on your bodybuilding101 website!

  3. Yes, there is no doubt we train like athletes, but we eat unhealthily. Some competitors exclude whole food groups, or eat 1200 calories or less a day with hours of training to stand in heels.lol It is what it is.

    Thank you about the other blog! It doesn’t get many page views, but it I think it’s got a wealth of knowledge for noobs.

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