Concentrating is not in my vocabulary

Concentraing on any sort of activity for too long is problematic at this point in my diet.  My diet is stringent and low in carbs so my energy level is nearly non-existent.  Grouchy is a word that I would use to describe someone else dieting but for me it is not about the moodiness but  functioning with my kids.  I laugh and pay attention to them because I don’t feel it’s fair to be “short” with them. This was my decision to do a bodybuilding show; not theirs. 

Outside of doing activities with the kids I am doing my cardio and weight lifting  for this last week of contest prep.  I am exactly one week out and this is peak week.  It’s the make -it-or-break-it stage and I’m feeling behind…again.  It is  the last and final  week so there is no time  left to improve.  This week is for carb loading, cutting water and the application of the fakest of the fakest tans. 

As for my writing; it has nearly gone to the wayside.  Not because I don’t want to write but because I can’t focus on it long enough to get a 400word article finished.  I have started eight articles in the last week and only finished 2.5; not a stellar perfomance for someone who is trying to increase pay and page views… read more

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